MassBank is an open source mass spectral library for the identification of small chemical molecules of metabolomics, exposomics and environmental relevance. The vast majority of MassBank contents now features high-resolution mass spectrometry data, although all kinds of mass spectral data are accepted. A range of search options are available for browsing the data. The MassBank library is based on text file records containing the record metadata and the mass spectral information in the MassBank record format. All data is archived on GitHub and Zenodo; the code is also on GitHub. The MassBank library can be downloaded in different file formats such as text records, database files (sql) and MSP files.
Furthermore, MassBank is a service for ELIXIR-DE.
MassBank API
Successfully connected
Postgres Database
Successfully connected
Similarity Service
Successfully connected
Export Service
Successfully connected
This project is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft) under the NFDI4Chem (National Research Data Infrastructure for Chemistry) project.
Project number: 441958208.
Standing on the shoulder of giants, we would like to acknowledge some of the dependencies used in the MassBank system:
This website is hosted and distributed by the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle (Saale), Germany.
Visit the distributor's website for more information.