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    Contributor: RIKEN_ReSpect

Results : 4,640 Hit.  ( 1 - 69 Displayed )
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 (+)-delta-Tocopherol, 8-methyltocol, Vitamin E
3 spectra     
 C27H46O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  402.66299   
9 spectra     
 C15H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  290.27100   
 (+-)-3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid sodium salt
4 spectra     
 C6H10O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  130.14301   
 (+-)-alpha-Tocopherol, DL-all-rac-alpha-Tocopherol...
6 spectra     
 C29H50O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  430.71701   
6 spectra     
 C15H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  290.27100   
 (-)Shikimic acid, 3,4,5-Trihydroxy-1-cyclohexene-1...
1 spectrum  
 C7H10O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  174.15199   
 (-)Shikimic acid, 3,4,5-Trihydroxy-1-cyclohexene-1...
1 spectrum  
 C7H10O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  174.15199   
 (1R,2R)-3-Oxo-2-(2Z)-2-pentenylcyclopentanacetic A...
4 spectra     
 C12H18O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  210.27299   
 (1R,5R)-2,6,6-Trimethylbicyclo(3.1.1)hept-2-ene, (...
1 spectrum  
 C10H16  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  136.23801   
 (2-hydroxy-3-oxopropyl) dihydrogen phosphate, DL-G...
1 spectrum  
 C3H7O6P  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  170.05901   
 (25R)-5beta-Spirostan-3beta-ol, Isosarsasapogenin,...
3 spectra     
 C27H44O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  416.64600   
 (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropanoic acid, D-(+)-Glyceric a...
1 spectrum  
 C3H6O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  106.07700   
1 spectrum  
 C29H44O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  424.66901   
1 spectrum  
 C27H40O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  396.61499   
 (2R)-2-Hydroxybut-3-enylglucosinolate, Progoitrin,...
5 spectra     
 C11H19NO10S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  389.39999   
2 spectra     
 C30H26O12  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  578.52600   
 (2R,3R,4R,5S)-hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol, Cystosol, ...
2 spectra     
 C6H14O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  182.17200   
 (2R,3S)-2,3,4-Trihydroxybutyric acid , Threonate, ...
2 spectra     
 C4H8O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  136.10300   
 (2R,3S)-2-Amino-3-methylpentanoic acid, allo-Ile, ...
3 spectra     
 C6H13NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  131.17500   
1 spectrum  
 C12H22O11  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  342.29700   
2 spectra     
 C10H16N4O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  240.26300   
2 spectra     
 C9H10ClNO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  215.63600   
 (2S)-2-amino-3-(3H-imidazol-4-yl)propanoic acid, L...
5 spectra     
 C6H9N3O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  155.15700   
 (2S)-2-amino-3-phosphonooxypropanoic acid, Dexfosf...
1 spectrum  
 C3H8NO6P  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  185.07401   
 (2S)-2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid, (S)-2-Amino-4...
2 spectra     
 C6H13NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  131.17500   
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