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    Contributor: RIKEN_ReSpect

Results : 4,640 Hit.  ( 186 - 279 Displayed )
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 (S)-2,5-Diaminopentanoate, L-2,5-Diaminovaleric Ac...
4 spectra     
 C5H12N2O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  132.16299   
 (S)-2-(2-Pyrrolidinyl)acetic acid hydrochloride, 2...
3 spectra     
 C6H11NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  129.15900   
 (S)-2-(2-Pyrrolidinyl)acetic acid hydrochloride, L...
6 spectra     
 C6H11NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  129.15900   
 (S)-2-Amino-3-(3-indolyl)propionic acid, L-Trp, (2...
3 spectra     
 C11H12N2O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  204.22900   
 (S)-2-Amino-3-(3-indolyl)propionic acid, L-Trp, 3-...
4 spectra     
 C11H12N2O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  204.22900   
 (S)-2-Amino-3-mercaptopropionic acid, beta-Mercapt...
1 spectrum  
 C3H7NO2S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  121.15900   
 (S)-2-Amino-4-methylpentanoic acid, L-alpha-Aminoi...
5 spectra     
 C6H13NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  131.17500   
 (S)-2-Hydroxy-2-methylsuccinic acid, L-(+)-2-Methy...
2 spectra     
 C5H8O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  148.11400   
 (S)-2-Hydroxy-2-methylsuccinic acid, L-(+)-2-Methy...
1 spectrum  
 C5H8O5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  148.11400   
 (S)-2-Methyl-4-(1H-purin-6-ylamino)-1-butanol, N6-...
4 spectra     
 C10H15N5O  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  221.26401   
10 spectra     
 C27H32O15  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  596.53802   
 (S)-3-Amino-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butyric acid hydroc...
4 spectra     
 C10H13NO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  195.21800   
 (S)-3-Amino-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butyric acid hydroc...
2 spectra     
 C10H13NO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  195.21800   
11 spectra     
 C28H34O15  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  610.56500   
3 spectra     
 C28H34O14  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  594.56598   
 (S)-alpha-Methylbenzeneacetic Acid, (S)-(+)-2-Phen...
4 spectra     
 C9H10O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  150.17700   
 (Z)-Octadec-9-enoic acid, Pamolyn, Fat Acid, cis-9...
2 spectra     
 C18H34O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  282.46799   
 (Z)-prop-1-ene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid, Achilleai...
1 spectrum  
 C6H6O6  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  174.10800   
 1,1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride, Dimethylguany...
5 spectra     
 C4H11N5  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  129.16701   
 1,16-Hexadecanediol, 1,16-Dihydroxyhexadecane, Hex...
6 spectra     
 C16H34O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  258.44601   
 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydro-4-pyridinecarboxylic acid hydro...
1 spectrum  
 C6H9NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  127.14300   
 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydro-4-pyridinecarboxylic acid hydro...
5 spectra     
 C6H9NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  127.14300   
 1,2,3-Propanetriol, Trihydroxypropane, Glycyl alco...
3 spectra     
 C3H8O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  92.09400   
 1,2-Benzenediol, o-Benzenediol, o-Diphenol, 1,2-di...
2 spectra     
 C6H6O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  110.11200   
 1,2-Benzenediol, o-Benzenediol, o-Diphenol, 1,2-di...
2 spectra     
 C6H6O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  110.11200   
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