Project file input

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Parameters for import

Spectrum filter
Neutral losses
Fragment grouping

Advanced parameters

MS¹ feature deisotoping
Fragment deisotoping

Data file input

Please choose metabolite profile (MS1 intensity, .txt)

Please choose spectral library (MS/MS, .msp)

Example data input

The data set used as showcase in the MetFamily publication referenced in the tab 'About'.

Download original metabolite profile and MS/MS library

Download metabolite profile
Download MS/MS library

Download generated fragment matrix

Download fragment matrix

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Plot controls

Heatmap content
Heatmap ordering
HCA dendrogram
Precursor label
PCA scores
PCA loadings labels
PCA loadings shown
PCA loadings size



MS¹ feature selections

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Metabolite family selection

Download annotation results

MS¹ feature annotation

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MS¹ feature spectrum versus Metabolite family

MetFamily 1.0

The MetFamily web application is designed for the identification of regulated metabolite families. This is possible on the basis of metabolite profiles for a set of MS¹ features as well as one MS/MS spectrum for each MS¹ feature. Group-discriminating MS¹ features are identified using a principal component analysis (PCA) of metabolite profiles and metabolite families are identified using a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of MS/MS spectra. Regulated metabolite families are identified by considering group-discriminating MS¹ features from corporate metabolite families.

Published in Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications):

Discovering Regulated Metabolite Families in Untargeted Metabolomics Studies

Hendrik Treutler1, Hiroshi Tsugawa2, Andrea Porzel3, Karin Gorzolka1, Alain Tissier4, Steffen Neumann1, and Gerd Ulrich Balcke4*

1Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Department of Stress and Developmental Biology, Weinberg 3, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
2RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan
3Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Weinberg 3, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
4Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Department of Cell and Metabolic Biology, Weinberg 3, D-06120 Halle/Saale, Germany
*Corresponding author: Gerd Ulrich Balcke


The identification of metabolites by mass spectrometry constitutes a major bottleneck which considerably limits the throughput of metabolomics studies in biomedical or plant research. Here, we present a novel approach to analyze metabolomics data from untargeted, data-independent LC-MS/MS measurements. By integrated analysis of MS¹ abundances and MS/MS spectra, the identification of regulated metabolite families is achieved. This approach offers a global view on metabolic regulation in comparative metabolomics. We implemented our approach in the web application “MetFamily”, which is freely available at MetFamily provides a dynamic link between the patterns based on MS¹-signal intensity and the corresponding structural similarity at the MS/MS level. Structurally related metabolites are annotated as metabolite families based on a hierarchical cluster analysis of measured MS/MS spectra. Joint examination with principal component analysis of MS¹ patterns, where this annotation is preserved in the loadings, facilitates the interpretation of comparative metabolomics data at the level of metabolite families. As a proof of concept, we identified two trichome-specific metabolite families from wild-type tomato Solanum habrochaites LA1777 in a fully unsupervised manner and validated our findings based on earlier publications and with NMR.


Hendrik Treutler, Hiroshi Tsugawa, Andrea Porzel, Karin Gorzolka, Alain Tissier, Steffen Neumann, and Gerd Ulrich U. Balcke.
Discovering Regulated Metabolite Families in Untargeted Metabolomics Studies.
Analytical chemistry, 88(16):8082-8090, August 2016.


Please find a user guide for the usage of the MetFamily web application below.

Download user guide

We provide a specification of the input file format. In the MetFamily publication we demonstrated the usage of MetFamily with UPLC-(-)ESI-SWATH-MS/MS data preprocessed with MS-DIAL. In the input specification, however, we demonstrate the generation of these files with GC-EI-MS data processed with xcms and CAMERA We also analyzed idMSMS spectra and LC-MS/MS spectra from DDA in MetFamily.

Download input specification


The MetFamily web application is designed to support researchers in the interpretation of comparative metabolomics studies at the level of metabolite families. Please help to improve this tool by comments, bug reports, and feature requests. You can contact Dr. Gerd Balcke via EMail and issues on GitHub.

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