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    Ion Mode: NEGATIVE

Results : 34,643 Hit.  ( 4,699 - 4,865 Displayed )
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 4-(Methylthio)butylglucosinolate, Glucoerucin, 4MT...
6 spectra     
 C12H23NO9S3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  421.50900   
 4-(Methylthio)butylglucosinolate, Glucoerucin, [[5...
1 spectrum  
 C12H23NO9S3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  421.50900   
9 spectra     
 C10H11NO5S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  257.03580   
9 spectra     
 C22H26O7  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  402.16785   
 4-Acetamidophenyl D-glucopyranosiduronic acid
14 spectra     
 C14H17NO8  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  327.09540   
 4-Acetylbenzoic acid
8 spectra     
 C9H8O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  164.04730   
 4-Acetylbutyric acid
5 spectra     
 C6H10O3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  130.06299   
3 spectra     
 C2H4N4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  84.04359   
1 spectrum  
 C9H13N3O4  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  227.22000   
6 spectra     
 C14H16N2O4S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  308.08310   
2 spectra     
 C6H8ClN3O4S2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  284.96448   
9 spectra     
 C7H12N4OS  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  200.07318   
 4-Aminobenzoic acid
5 spectra     
 C7H7NO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  137.04768   
 4-Aminosalicylic acid
6 spectra     
 C7H7NO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  153.04259   
1 spectrum  
 C6H5BrO  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  171.95238   
2 spectra     
 C10H14O  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  150.10446   
13 spectra     
 C14H9NO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  239.05820   
3 spectra     
 C6H5ClN2O2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  172.00395   
4 spectra     
 C6H6ClNO2S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  190.98077   
 4-Chlorobenzenesulfonic acid
3 spectra     
 C6H5ClO3S  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  191.96480   
 4-Chlorobenzoic acid
22 spectra     
 C7H5ClO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  155.99780   
16 spectra     
 C6H5ClO2  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  143.99780   
6 spectra     
 C6H5ClO  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  128.00288   
 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid
7 spectra     
 C8H7ClO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  186.00841   
 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid
6 spectra     
 C8H7ClO3  Generated by the Chemistry Development Kit ( \n  186.00841   
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